04 February, 2010

Try it - Feeling Faces

Feeling Faces
Objective: learn about emotions, improve emotional lexicon, enhancing teacher-student understanding
Equipment: pictures of children and adults showing different emotions
Description: Each week choose a different feeling (happy, angry, sad, excited, calm) to focus on for that week.
Have children look at pictures of children and adults in different situations related to the focus feeling.
Show children how to identify feelings related to different facial expressions:
  1. Describe the situation in the photograph,
  2. Ask the children what they think the child in the photograph is feeling,
  3. Ask children if they have ever felt like that and what was the situation that made them feel happy, angry, sad, and so on.
  4. Ask them to make statues depicting the focus emotion.
  5. Remind children that all feelings are okay, but not all behaviours are okay. For example, it is okay to feel angry when someone snatches a toy from you, but it is not okay to hit the person who grabbed your toy.