05 January, 2010

Dear December!!

Here I'm trying to give some points from the second stage of "Life skill through drama"
December,2009, Kelanpur, near Vadodara

  • General session
In the class room
  • Review and reflections experienced by trainees.(Sharing with diary)
  • Revision(Walking games-Pass the emotion-three steps-30minutes)
  • Group mimes
1. Guided emotions (Teacher will give the names of emotions)
2. Group choice (Emotions will selected by trainees.)
3. Guess the emotion (The groups will perform the mimes. Others will guess the emotions)
4. Double emotions (Have mixed feelings at one time.)

·         Game –Do you like me?
·         Group mime-
·         Hide the Emotion.
·         Change the emotion(The emotion will change in same situation)
·         Game-My name is__________. and show an emotion.
·         Circle story with emotion
·         Activity- Speak a sentence with differ emotion on your face.

·         Discuss- Different people- Different emotion (The Teacher will tell one situation and the trainees will tell “What do they feel at that situation?)

·         Emotions chart.

http://nvndsr.blogspot.com     (A primary School’s Blog)

03 January, 2010

Give me some sun shine

have you heard dat song? from "three idiots"
yes we are doing d same thing in second phase of life skill through drama workshop.
at first we got sun shine, rain , and new way to work.
now we are trying to give another chance to ourself to spread it.

and we are damn sure dat we will get success