25 March, 2010


Hellooo to everyone who is following our blog.
We have just completed Phase II of MIG 2008 successfully. Within a few days I will post the comments of the participants. The comments I am referring to are from the Programme Evaluation forms all the participants filled in.
In the last session we covered the topic 'Understanding "self"'. We discussed
  • self concept
  • self esteem
  • self image
  • Ideal image
  • self awareness
  • self identity
I think 'self' is a very interesting topic. It is one of the most difficult topics in Life Skills. The focus of our work is on facilitating self-understanding and enhancing self-esteem.
Kant, the German philosopher, proposed that self-knowledge is the beginning of all wisdom’, thus if we know ourselves well it would give a good foundation on which to build our lives. This knowledge would enable us to know our likes and dislikes, strengths and weakness, which would allow us to change our negative behaviour, maintain self-control and become more responsible humans.
When people know themselves they can maximize outcomes because they know what they can and cannot do’