22 January, 2011

It was an amazing experience. Wow!! Just imagine reaching out to approx 80,000 teachers in the state of Gujarat. I really enjoyed it...I pray that the message of Enhancing Life Skills in children and the importance of it goes to all who watched. Believe me , we as teachers can really make a difference in the lives of our students.....
Imagine we got approx ...600 text messages and 500 calls in response. ... to the video telecast...this is what Rakesh and Nima say..?!?!
SUPER!...now all who saw the programme , my 'older' students and all who follow our blog HAVE to keep in touch....Your response is very encouraging ...it pushes me to work harder..learn more and find super stuff for you..


MANAN said...

it was really d great session!!
Though we did at kelanpur in phase - II, i was being more and more curious while the session was going on... it was very refreshing and what say ?!! just loved you, me'm......

hacker said...


i was missing kelanpuri session..
but when the on air show stopped i was shocking because at that time i was alone...not mam...rakeshbhai..bindubaa...and all my frnd ...missing so much kelanpuri..
hope next time c all

Swaroop said...

This is the great advantage of using experiential learning. We have a change in understanding with the experience.....and with every change in understanding we grow...it is a dynamic process....the class can never be the exactly the same ever....it is different because of the new understanding...

Rajeshri said...

me'm for its a new experience for me abt learing d lifeskill through drama. i also work with small group of drama but firsttime i relise that drama can b use in this way with students i wish i l be also ur student........