04 November, 2010

Hi ,I am sharing this 'action research template' with all my teachers in Gujarat ..especially those involved with me in Making -magic in Gujarat. It is drawn by Jack Whitehead... all who have followed my teacher-training sessions have heard about Jack and his work... I am also including some links for teachers who want to use this template but do not exactly what is expected....Jack in his mail had included some action plans carried out by himself , Sonia, Marie ..etc...I would suggest try it out... and write back and tell me how and what you think...this is a way as Jack says... 'to share your commitment to improve your practice...' And as I have said repeatedly ...to improve as a teacher we cannot wait for GCERT , SSA ... the heads.. the bureaucrats...politicians..ministers...so on and so forth...to help us. WE HAVE TO GET UP AND DO SOMETHING for ourselves and our students... http://www.actionresearch.net/writings/actionplanning/soniahutchisonarplanning.pdf Marie Huxtable http://www.actionresearch.net/writings/actionplanning/mariehuxtablearplanning.pdf Andrew Henon http://www.actionresearch.net/writings/actionplanning/andrewhenonarplanning.pdf Joan Walton http://www.actionresearch.net/writings/actionplanning/joanwaltonarplanning.pdf Nigel Harrisson http://www.actionresearch.net/writings/actionplanning/nigelharrissonarplanning.pdf Christine Jones http://www.actionresearch.net/writings/actionplanning/chrisjonesarplanning.pdf Jack Whitehead http://www.actionresearch.net/writings/actionplanning/jackwhiteheadarplanning.pdf Action Planning Template http://www.actionresearch.net/writings/actionplanning/arplannertemplate.doc

Framework and rationale for research

Issue / Question


What really matters to me? What do I care passionately about? What kind of difference do I want to make in the world?

What are my values and why?

What is my concern?

Why am I concerned?

What kind of experiences can I describe to show the reasons for my concerns?

What can I do about it?

What will I do about it?

How do I evaluate the educational influences of my actions?

How do I demonstrate the validity of the account of my educational influence in learning?

How do I modify my concerns, ideas and actions in the light of my evaluation?