02 April, 2010

Different ways to Walk

Different ways to Walk

There are many different ways to walk. In the lesson generally introduce them one at a time, with time for discussion in between. I would prefer to introduce them over a period of time ....Go slowly do not be in a rush... As the students walk coach …."Do not stop! Keep walking!....." Coach them through each of these changes. ....."Now let us walk as low…. as short as we can! Try and reach ground level. …and still walk… no crawling !!!.. Now walk heavy..like an elephant ..stomp each foot.."

  • Change the dimension/ size of the movement. A movement can be made wider or narrower, higher or lower, deeper or shallower. One can make the walk wider or narrower by widening or narrowing the stance and swinging the arms further away or closer to the body. Once can make the walk higher or lower by walking on tiptoe or slouching. One can make the walk deeper by taking larger steps or swinging the arms further forward and back.

· Change the tempo/ rhythm of the movement. A movement can be made slower or faster.

· Change the power of the movement. Demonstrate by walking how a movement can be light or heavy. An angry person may walk heavily; a happy child may move lightly.

· Change the direction of the movement. A movement can be direct-... to a specific point without going off the path-... indirect- like wandering without any particular place in mind.

· Change the tension/force of the movement. The muscles can be loose and relaxed or tense and tight.

· Change the focus of the movement. It is easy for students to understand and really helps with emotional work. Focus is basically the direction of the gaze, with usually a matching bend of the body. Imagine the difference between a sad child walking about staring at the floor and a confident or happy child walking about with his chin up.


MANAN said...

keep it up

we are waiting for more from you

nima said...

the last one is too good .sounds perfect and works best in the class room.